Creating a n.e.t. for the Classroom and Curriculum
Creating a n.e.t. for the Classroom and Curriculum

Norristown Educational Theatre


October 2014:  Artistic Director, Gene Roland Frank, PhD presents a Skills Session on Advocacy and Fundraising at the Non Profit Leadership Forum at Cabrini College as part of the launch of the new MSL in Non Profit Leadership.


Artistic Director, Gene Roland Frank, PhD moderates a panel discussion on Community Revitalization through the Arts and presents an update on the work of establishing a dance and theatre teaching endorsement at the 4th Arts Education Symposium in Harrisburg, PA


September 2014: Artistic Director, Gene Roland Frank, PhD accepts the Arts Partner Award from EPLC for 2014 for Arts Education Advocacy on behalf of the American Alliance for Theatre and Education.


March 2014: Artistic Director, Gene Roland Frank, PhD, presents remarks for the 2nd Arts Advocacy Day in Harrisburg, PA.  Gene is the PA Theatre Education Advocacy Rep for the American Alliance for Theatre and Education.


November 2013:

Eleanora Fagan: The Birth of Billie Holiday is performed for the students and staff of the Juvenile Justice Center School Program in Philadelphia as well as the Women in Recovery Program. 


October 2013:

Dr. Gene Roland Frank, Artistic Director, participates on a panel at the 3rd Arts Education Symposium in Harrisburg, PA.  His presentation is "One Step, One Act: Moving Towards a Teaching Endorsement in Dance and Theatre."


May 2013:

Norristown Educational Theatre performs excerpts from American Indian Tales at the 4th Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival.


March 2013:

Artistic Director, Gene Roland Frank, PhD presents remarks for Arts Advocacy Day in Harrisburg, PA.  Gene is the PA Advocacy Rep for the American Alliance for Theatre and Education


January 2013:

Eleanora Fagan: The Birth of Billie Holiday  is performed as a showcase for the first time as part of the 4th Independent Voices Festival held at the Centre Theater in Norristown, PA.


Gene Roland Frank, PhD is appointed to the PA Arts Education Network Steering Committee in Harrisburg, PA as the representative for the American Alliance for Theatre and Education.  Dr. Frank is currently the only theatre education representative serving on the committee.


October 2012:

Pumpkin Perils, the original one-act play commission from the Historical Society of Montgomery County, receives its first public reading at the Historical Society's offices. The play is based on several arsenic poisonings that occurred in Norristown in 1882.  The case remains unsolved to this day.


Elenora Fagan: The Birth of Billie Holiday, begins production preparation.  This original short play dramatizes the life of Billie Holiday in her formative years and demonstrates the power and influence that music, especially jazz, had on her life.  The premiere is tentatively scheduled for the 4th Independent Voices Festival to be held in Norristown, PA in January 2013.
Norristown, 19401



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